We believe that Jesus Christ is not to be confined to just some spiritual sector of people's lives. We believe that He is life itself. Therefore we believe that He belongs at the center of counseling and that his work, his presence, and his character should shape every conversation that goes on in the counseling room.
We also believe that the first place that people should look for wise Christ-shaped counsel is to their local church. We want to help be an extension of that local church counsel.
That being said, we understand that not all churches have staff with the gifting, the training, the expertise, and the time to meet every counseling need. That's where we come in.
We see ourselves as a parachurch ministry, but to quote Sam Allberry, "The goal of parachurch ministries isn't: be awesome in a way local church can't be, but: help the church be awesome in a way parachurch can't be.” We consider our counseling to be an extension of the ministry of the local church and a way of serving and promoting its ministry. In a sense, our counselors serve as “adjunct staff” to the churches that refer their people to us for help. Therefore, we seek to partner with the church in any way that will strengthen the counselee and the church.